Message: Font: (shop demo)

                   __   __    _ __                     ___ __         __     
 _    _____  __ __/ /__/ /__ ( ) /_  __ _____  __ __  / (_) /_____   / /____ 
| |/|/ / _ \/ // / / _  / _ \|/ __/ / // / _ \/ // / / / /  '_/ -_) / __/ _ \
|__,__/\___/\_,_/_/\_,_/_//_/ \__/  \_, /\___/\_,_/ /_/_/_/\_\\__/  \__/\___/
         __                        _                                      ___
   ___  / /__ ___ __  ___ _  ___  (_)______   ___ ____ ___ _  ___   ___  / _/
  / _ \/ / _ `/ // / / _ `/ / _ \/ / __/ -_) / _ `/ _ `/  ' \/ -_) / _ \/ _/ 
 / .__/_/\_,_/\_, /  \_,_/ /_//_/_/\__/\__/  \_, /\_,_/_/_/_/\__/  \___/_/   
/_/          /___/                          /___/                            
      __             ___ 
 ____/ /  ___ ___ __/__ \
/ __/ _ \/ -_|_-<(_-</__/

Figlet ASCII Art Generator (word art maker). All ascii art code is from Font author's info is available here. (they did all the real work) i just couldn't find a web version and i wanted to learn php. have fun. Use shop demo mode to see every font in one go. questions, comments, suggestions, or fonts should be directed to You might also like other projects from my toybox.